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पल जब इंतज़ार का हो ,कुछ इस तरह इंतज़ार करना ..:Best Love Poem : Kavi…

Sab Jag Rhe Tu Sota Rah..-Motivational Poem By Kavi Sandeep Dwivedi यह कविता मैंने…

Best Motivational Poem : बोलो कहाँ तक टिक सकोगे..यदि राम सा संघर्ष हो..!! kavi sandeep…

Kyon Vachan Bhishm Ne Na Tode ? : poem on bhishm : Kavi Sandeep Dwivedi…

Best Hindi Poem | Umra Yahi Kho Jane Ki | Life Changing Poem | Kavi…

देश बसता है दिलों में | Desh Basta Hai Dilo Mein |Independence Day Special Poem…

Dar Hai Yadi Gir Jane Ka To..Shikhar Tumhare Liye Nahin Hai |Motivational Poem by Kavi…

My New Book ‘Rone Se Kuchh Hota Hai Kya’ Now Launched Online जब शब्द कोई…
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Sandeep Dwivedi is a very popular poet, motivational speaker and trainer among the youth. His collection is worth keeping in your study table or at the head of your bed. This is basically a collection of motivational poems. If words are arranged in beautiful ways then they become mantras.Reading them awakens the energy present within us. Is . This collection gives us stability in the environment of life’s ups and downs, tests and results.Sandeep Dwivedi’s poems, which are invited for motivational presentations in various national institutes (IIT, NIT), universities, coaching institutes and followed by millions of people on digital mediums, inspire not to give up under any circumstances. Do it. It will definitely support you in the challenges of your life.
Unlock the Power of skills with Sandeep Dwivedi!
Join our exclusive course, crafted by renowned poet, motivational speaker, and trainer Sandeep Dwivedi, to discover the art of effective writing and confidence-building. Through a series of engaging modules and interactive exercises, you’ll learn to:- Develop your writing skills and style, Build confidence in your expression and communication, Harness the power of words to inspire and motivate others.
10+ Years Experience
Indian Poet Motivational Speaker Soft skill Trainer Corporate Trainer
Kavi Sandeep Dwivedi is an |Indian Poet |Motivational Speaker |Softskkill Trainer |Corporate Trainer and is an Engineering Graduate. He turned to his Love for Poetry and Literature into his passion and a mission when he started reciting poems and stories at various events and also over various digital platforms. His unique recitation style is highly appreciated and his work is followed by many people. He has inspired many youngsters to follow their dreams and their path. His motivational poem,speech are a rage and are immensely popular among people of all ages.

My New Book ‘Rone Se Kuchh Hota Hai Kya’ Now Launched Online

Dar Hai Yadi Gir Jane Ka To..Shikhar Tumhare Liye Nahin Hai.

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